Competitive rates with real rewards
When your business succeeds, a Business Money Market can reward that growth with competitive interest rates. You'll see why we call it a win-win.
Business Money Market
Opening balance: $5,000
No Minimum Balance Fee(1,6)
Paper Statement Fee: $3 per month(2,3)
With First Bank Business Money Market(4,5), you will see interest increase with every dollar you invest. Now, your account is just as healthy as your growing business. Cheers to growth!
- Mobile Banking
- Free Basic Online Banking
(1) Effective June 1, 2024, First Bank will no longer charge a minimum balance fee for the Money Market product. The minimum balance requirement will only apply for interest earned and paid.
(2) The Paper Statement Fee will be added to the Monthly Service Charge Fee on the periodic account statement.
(3) There is no fee for Electronic Statements (eStatements).
(4) An Excessive Withdrawal Fee of $5 will be assessed on all debits and withdrawals in excess of 5 per month.
(5) Interest accrues and is paid on balances of $5,000 or more.
(6) Please refer to the Fee Schedule or visit a local branch for information regarding potential fees for early account closure.
Time Deposits
Want to know more about what Time Deposit terms we offer? Click Here
Additional fees may apply to all the above accounts. Read the Truth-In-Savings disclosure applicable to that account type before opening the account for additional fees. Also, you should refer to our "Important Information About Your Deposit Account - Terms and Conditions" for other information about the account.

Expertise to Keep your Business Growing
Our commercial banking professionals understand the opportunities and the challenges facing owners and executives.